Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Ramadan Intrigue

There's something about Ramadan that particulary intrigues me--to be more specific, it's the sheer discipline of Ramadan that baffles me.

This picture from Time Magazine shows a man breaking the fast at a soup kitchen set up in London. In the words of the former U.S. Olympic gymnast coach--"How you can do this?"

When I step back to the world's perspective and observe the two religions of Christianity and Islam--I am attracted to the dedication and commitment of the Muslim faith. Rarely do you find this level of commitment among Christians.

"Why?" is the question I want to ask. If Christians would truly embrace what they believe, the weight of eternity would radically change their lifestyle.

Friday, October 17, 2008

A Little Book Review

10 Things Every Minister Needs to Know

Ensnared by Performance

"The minister who forgets his calling will become ensnared by performance. The ministry of prayer is imperative on the agenda of a God-called pastor. Ministers fail morally when they cease to experience personal devotion before the Lord daily. Ministers forfeit their leadership, influence, and ministry when they do not spend time with God daily."

I cannot expect to change ‘the world’ until I let God have more than ample opportunity to ‘change my world by changing me first.’

Here’s a sample of the type of truths I’ve been digging through for the past few weeks via Floyd’s 10 Things Every Minister Needs to Know. I finished this morning and wanted to blog my experience.

The truths highlighted are not profound or cutting-edge; in fact, they’re not the least bit complicated. But they are essential. Floyd’s book has reminded me of the importance of prayer and daily devotion to our God. Stage lights, new worship sets, bible studies—these are not the foundation of ministry.

Our very desire in ministry is to spur the people on into their own devotion to Christ. How then, in the midst of such, can we forsake the same for ourselves?

“Ministers fail morally when they cease to experience personal devotion before the Lord daily.” Thanks Floyd for your simple truths. My hope is to always maintain Christ as the anchor of my ministry, and life.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Vicente Fox & Government

The guest lecturer just finished his speech here at UT Tyler. I certainly wish I would've realized the thrills of academia before my senior semester.

It was wonderful to sit and listen to the former president of Mexico--as a former president, as a fellow human, as someone of a different culture, as someone who has risen from little to achieve great goals.

I don't see the benefit of a large government, of high taxes & much social intervention, because a free market & democracy have proven themselves over and over again. I do, however, believe in social responsibility--who doesn't?

So where is the elusive happy-medium? Should governments be held responsible for the welfare of it's citizen's? I can't foresee any policy that says otherwise.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

On 1 Peter 1:16

Be holy because I am holy.

Who looks upon a world teeming with fallen and broken people and says, Hey, you should be holy like I am holy?

If I could be honest, I would say I feel unequipped to obey this scripture.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

One-on-One with Chandler

Wow. I just finished a conversation with a guy that I deeply respect--Matt Chandler. I really respect godliness merged with authenticity. In fact, I long for it.

We talked some about Paul's mission work in Acts 17. Paul wasn't pitifully offended by the non-believer, he quoted their poetry for the sake of His gospel.

That's what I want to be like.

The thought of rising above our self-referential christian utopia to a place where I can truly connect with the rest of culture resonates within me, That's it. Jeremy, that's it.

What does a Bible reference do for a non-believer? Shouldn't we seek to connect & relate?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Anything but Invincible

Within weeks, four people I once knew--dead. 4 people, 3 seperate car accidents, a 2 week time frame. Additionaly, my built-like-a-rock uncle had a tremendous bout with death after a routine surgery and at this very moment machines are beeping in ICU, hooked up to my invincible uncle. (as of Nov. 13, 06) And yet another friend, someone I looked up to, was just moved out of ICU into another wing of the hospital. Finally, one other family member is on a fast decline as well, and will soon die. We put up the Christmas tree early this year so that we wouldn't have to if he were to die.
Some deaths deemed avoidable, others unexpected. What does it mean that those 4 killed were all under the age of 30? Nothing. A long life, retirement, and the chance to get things right with ourselves, our families and our God is not our right as mere men.

How invincible I once felt.
Death is not unthinkable--it's our very destiny. It is appointed for man to die. Appointed. We as sons of men are destined to die, then to face judgment.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A New Spin

I cannot hold it in.

"Then I said, 'I will not make mention of Him, nor speak anymore in His name.' But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not." -Jeremiah 20:9

I apologize guys. I know that I began this site to document my trip to Kenya, but I desperately want to make mention of Him. I want to write, and to teach.

Thanks for Understanding,